Welcome to ACM IVA 2019, that will take place in Paris, France from **July 2nd to July 5th**.
The programme will include on July 2nd one or two joint keynote(s) and a social dinner. These will be shared with the CASA 2019 conference (Computer Animation and Social Agents) which will also be held in Paris on July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
ACM IVA 2019 is the 19th meeting of an interdisciplinary annual conference and the main leading scientific forum for presenting research on modeling, developing and evaluating intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) with a focus on communicative abilities and social behavior. IVAs are interactive digital characters that exhibit human-like qualities and can communicate with humans and each other using natural human modalities like facial expressions, speech and gesture. They are capable of real-time perception, cognition, emotion and action that allow them to participate in dynamic social environments. In addition to presentations on theoretical issues, the conference encourages the showcasing of working applications.
Who Should Attend?
Students, academics and industry professionals with an interest in learning about and presenting the most cutting-edge research conducted today in the multi-disciplinary field of intelligent virtual agents. Advances in IVA research are enabling increasingly autonomous agents that are now being utilized across a growing number of fields, including counseling, entertainment, medicine, the military, psychology and teaching. Researchers from the fields of human-human and human-robot interaction are also encouraged to share work with a relevance to IVAs.
What Can I Expect This Year?
IVA 2019’s special topic is “Social Learning with Interactive Agents”.